EDG exhibiting at GEAPS EXCHANGE 2023

EDG will be exhibiting in Booth 828 for the 2023 Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) Exchange.

Stop by the EDG booth at GEAPS February 25 – 28, 2023 at the Kansas City Convention Center and speak with our grain industry experts and learn more about how EDG can support your grain projects.  Visit the EDG Projects webpage for a brief summary of some of our most recent grain projects and click the email buttons below to contact us.

Bob Klare

Philip Kelly

Click the links to find out more:   About EDG  //  EDG Projects  //  EDG – Industries We Serve  //  EDG Services  //  EDG Unifying Principles

Follow EDG on our social sites:  LinkedIn:  @EDG  //  Facebook:  @EDGInc   //  Twitter:  @EDGInc